Vitamin B-Complex Shaklee
Kita memerlukan vitamin dan mineral untuk mengekalkan kesihatan. Antara
vitamin yang kita perlukan untuk kekal sihat adalah vitamin B Complex.
Vitamin B Complex adalah merupakan gabungan dari beberapa vitamin yang
larut air. Komponen Vitamin B Complex terdiri daripada:
1. B1 (thiamin)
2. B2 (riboflovin)
3. B3 (niacin)
4. B5
5. B6 (pyridoxine)
6. B12 (cobalamine)
7. Acid folic
8. Asid panthothenic
9. Biotin
Setiap komponen dalam vitamin B Complex Shaklee memiliki fungsi khusus. Vitamin
ini membantu dalam fungsi sistem pertahanan tubuh dan saraf yang sihat. Ia juga
membantu dalam penghasilan sel darah merah dan mampu mencegah anemia.
Kekurangan vitamin B Complex Shaklee boleh melemahkan sistem saraf dan
mengganggu fungsi otak yang mana akan meningkatkan lagi risiko penyakit
jantung. Kekurangannya juga boleh menyebabkan pembentukan sel abnormal dan
boleh mengakibatkan anemia.
Selain itu, kekurangan vitamin B Complex Shaklee juga dikaitkan dengan masalah
seperti depresi dan kehilangan memori. Terdapat beberapa keadaan di mana
kekurangan vitamin B Complex akan menimbulkan masalah kesihatan seperti
keletihan, sesak nafas, insomnia, kurang konsentrasi dan mudah tersinggung
1. Menghasilkan tenaga dan berperanan dalam membantu kemampuan berfikir.
2. Mengelakkan penyakit beri-beri.
3. Merangsang pertumbuhan pada kanak-kanak.
4. Diperlukan untuk kesihatan mata, kulit, kuku dan rambut.
5. Penting untuk sirkulasi dan fungsi normal sistem saraf.
6. Mencegah stress.
7. Menguatkan antibodi tubuh.
8. Amat penting untuk aktiviti sel genetik.
9. Diperlukan dalam pembentukan protein asid amino.
10. Diperlukan untuk memproses dan perbaikan sel-sel darah merah.
11. Mencegah anemia.
1. Merangsang pertumbuhan.
2. Meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir.
3. Memberikan tambahan tenaga.
1. Menambah tenaga.
2. Mengurangkan stress.
3. Melambatkan proses uban di rambut.
4. Membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi.
1. Amat diperlukan untuk pembentukan dan aktiviti sel genetik.
2. Mencegah anemia (tekanan darah rendah).
Vitamin B-Complex Shaklee Mengandungi kesemua 8 jenis Vitamin B yang diperlukan oleh tubuh badan anda bagi menggantikan nutrisi Vitamin B yang hilang untuk membantu menguatkan jantung, peparu dan organ-organ jantung yang lain.
Adakah anda mendapat Vitamin B complex yang mencukupi? Tekanan hidup, alkohol, dan ubat-ubatan preskripsi berunsurkan dadah berupaya meningkatkan risiko pengurangan Vitamin B complex dalam badan. Vitamin B complex penting untuk keseluruhan fungsi tubuh yang baik sama ada daripada segi kesihatan jantung, sintesis DNA, menguruskan tekanan apatah lagi dalam membina tenaga metabolisma. Kajian terbaru membuktikan bahawa Vitamin B complex berupaya meningkatkan penglihatan mata dan sistem pernafasan. Kekuirangan vitamin B complex boleh menyebabkan prestasi badan merosot dan tidakberfungsi dengan baik.
Vitamin B-Complex Shaklee Mengandungi kesemua 8 jenis Vitamin B yang diperlukan oleh tubuh badan anda bagi menggantikan nutrisi Vitamin B yang hilang untuk membantu menguatkan jantung, peparu dan organ-organ jantung yang lain.
Shaklee product review Shaklee B-Complex
The stress reliever vitamin I like to call it. We burn our B vitamins off when under stress, drink alcohol, eat sugar and processed foods. And it’s tough to replace them with our diet so adding Shaklee B complex is essential.Stress needs no introduction. Its causes are numerous, (worry, rushing, poor diet ) but its effects are nearly always the same: exhaustion, weak immune system, heart trouble and anxiety. When the body is under constant stress, the body releases adrenaline, to prepare for the “flight or flee” action. This constant state of “preparedness” leaves the body exhausted and scatter brained. In which case we turn to stimulants like caffeine to keep our energy and focus up, but what stimulants do is just produce more adrenaline, that makes us more exhausted and scatter brained: a vicious cycle. The more stress you are under, the more B vitamins you use up in your body.
Are you properly replacing your B vitamins?Exhaustion and Stress are something we all deal with. Being tired and stressed out comes with work, studying, watching kids, playing…basically it’s called life. But fatigue is something different. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome effects 100,000 in 250,000 people. Can you imagine being so exhausted, that not only do you not have the energy for the things you have to do, but also no energy for the things you use to love doing? Age doesn’t matter. It doesn’t get better with rest. It just goes on and on, day after day, month after month, year after year for some…
Shaklee B-Complex is a “must have product”. The B vitamins are vital for the formation of red blood cells that help the blood absorb iron and help other nutrients to the muscles. Otherwise, you become anemic, weak, scatter brained, stressed…
With Shaklee B complex you’ll experience:
- More energy for your daily tasks without putting much though into it
- Better circulation
- Better and deeper sleeps
The body is supposed to rejuvenate and if you are tired all the time, there could be a serious problem.
Shaklee B-Complex provides all eight essential B vitamins necessary for converting the food we eat into energy. B vitamins are essential in the synthesis of DNA and new cells. The B vitamins (folic acid, B6, and B12) promote a healthy cardiovascular system by helping to lower homocysteine levels in the blood.
When the B vitamins are taken together, like they are naturally found in food, they help the brain’s cognitive thinking to work properly and the nervous system to take it easy.
I pay extra attention to supplementing B vitamins and I can always tell when I’m low: I crave caffeine and sweets. B vitamins play an important role thoughout the body contributing to heart, lung, brain, and cell functioning, DNA regulation, and fortifying the body.
Shaklee B Complex offers a perfectly balanced blend of all 8 B vitamins and 100% or more of the daily requirement. Shaklee’s unique patented folic acid coating assures maximum aborption and bio-availability.
Shaklee B-Complex (Hair Loss) This isn’t just for you men, Yup, it might happen to us more often but anyone can experience hair loss. In the case of men, it could be a result of age or genetics. However, many women experience hair loss as well. Young women and men that don’t even have it in their family tree. With a society that has poor health, due to poor diets, it’s no small wonder that their hair should suffer from it too. Fried and processed foods leave hair dull, brittle, and susceptible to falling out.We have done a thorough review on the B-Complex. All of the b vitamins are vital for good health and taking the Shaklee B-Complex, in its natural, balanced, and complete form is a powerhouse to be reckoned with. In the case of hair health, Folic Acid and Biotin give amazing strength to the hair follicles and shaft. With this product you will experience:
Hair loss really doesn’t have to be a bad problem. Not when you are giving what your body (and hair) needs. How would you like to stop the hair loss you are experiencing?
How would you like to thicken the hair you do have?
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